VPIC Group is committed to helping your organization succeed. That means each component you receive is manufactured under the most stringent quality protocols, with your organization’s goals and budget in mind. This commitment to quality, flexibility and timeliness is unmatched in the industry and has earned us the trust of some of the world’s leading manufacturers. 

To learn more about how we can help you optimize your supply chain, simply fill out the form and we’ll get back to you shortly. If you’d rather talk to someone now, reach out to our sales team directly.


Meet the VPIC Team


Pham Nguyen Dat

Vice General Director

Phone:+84 917-706-515

Email: pndat@vpic-group.com


Isaac Villegas_Profile

Isaac Villegas

Business Development Director, America and Europe

Phone: +1 819-919-2001

Email: isaac.villegas@vpic-group.ca

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